Product Manager Silicon Valley Funny Scrum Board

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Silicon Valley Scrum Meetup group.
Scrum certification training.
Books by Fred Fowler.
Silicon Valley World Scrum(mit) conference Spring 2022.


The Silicon Valley Professional Scrum Advanced Scrum Case Studies Meetup meets every two weeks online at both 7:00am and 7:00pm PDT (California time).

Cases are published on this website 24-48 hours prior to the meeting.

To join the discussion, please use this Google Meetings link:

Next Case: A team that doesn't care, June 19th 2022, 7:00am and 7:00pm

You are an Agile Coach. You are joining a company that makes a family of "software as a service" products. The company is about two years old and it started out by introducing a revolutionary new product. That product is successful and provides a revenue stream that funds the company's ongoing operations.

The company wants to build on that initial success by deveioping similar products for similar market niches. Unfortunately, the company has not been successful in creating those similar products. Development efforts have bogged down and things seem to be "stuck". Your job is to break the log jams and get things "unstuck".

You start by observing one of the teams at work. They are following the Scrum Framework as far as artifacts and events are concerned. There is a product backlog guiding the development effort, and the team uses Jira to keep track of its Sprint Backlog work. They hold Sprint Planning meetings, Daily Scrums and Sprint Reviews. Even so, things do not seem to be working.

You attend a Sprint Planning meeting. There is a Scrum Master who conveins the meeting and leads the discussion, The Product Owner presents the highest priority Prouduct Backlog items and tells the team that the first five items are very important and must be completed. The Developers don't say much, but in the end they agree to select the Product Backlog items the Product Owner wants.

You attend several Daily Scrums and find that the Scrum Master asks each person the three standard questions: 1) What have you completed since the last Daily Scrum, 2) What do you plan to complete before the next Daily Scrumm and 3) are there any "blockers" standing in your way. Each Developer dutifully answers each question. No blockers are reported.

At the end of the Sprint, the Scrum Master schedules a Sprint Review meeting. During that meeting the Developers report that only about 40% of the agreed-to Product Backlog items have been completed. When the Scrum Master asks why only 40% of the agreed scope was delivered, the Developers just shrug their shoulders. "That's all we got done" they say.

During the next Sprint Planning meeting, all of the unfinished PBIs from the prior Sprint are added to the next Sprint's scope. The cycle then repeats.

Upper management wants to know why their schedules and targets are not being met. They want you to fix things.

Your assignment:

  • Analyze the situation vis-a-vis the Scrum Framework.
  • Come up with a strategy and a plan to fix the problem (or problems)

Scrum Certification training: Study for and earn your 1st and 2nd level Scrum Certifications

Do so at your own pace through our independent study courses.

Our classes include:

An introduction to the Scrum Framework which prepares students to take and pass first level Scrum Certification tests such as the PSM I (offered by

2nd Level Scrum which prepares students to take and pass second level Scrum Certification exams, such as the PSM II (offered by

All Independent Study classes include:

  • Assigned Reading
  • Recorded (audio) lectures
  • Quizzes and tests.
  • Regular (online) office hours for asking questions

Note: As of April 1st the live online offerings for these materials is discontinued. Fred Fowler wishes to concet=ntrate on writing his next book, More Advanced Scrum Case Studies. Watch this space for further developments.

Students who have taken An Introduction to the Scrum Framework have subsequently passed their PSM I certification assessments offered by Several of them have also taken and passed the PSPO I certification assessment, also offered by

Students who have taken 2nd Level Scrum have subsequently passed their PSM II certification assessment from

For more information and to enroll, please click the Scrum training link at the top of the page, then click Buy classes.

Books by Fred Fowler: (Use the Buy books link to purchase them)

An Introduction to the Scrum Framework

(San Francisco, Silicon Valley Scrum Press, 2021)

A comprehensive introduction the the Scrum Framework designed to give beginners a solid foundation upon which to build understanding.

Advanced Scrum Case Studies

(San Francisco, Silicon Valley Scrum Press, 2021)

Representing the collective experience of numerous Scrum practitioners, this book consists of 15 case studies involving problems of Agile transformation, onshore-offshore teams, scaled Scrum, cross-team dependencies, cross-functionality, self-management, Scrum mastery, product ownership, Sprint planning, engineering management, road maps, and stakeholders. Each case includes a detailed description of the problem, relevant background information, and a thorough explanation of how to apply the tools of the Scrum framework to resolve the problem. The material in this book comes from discussions held within the Silicon Valley Professional Scrum meetup group. Organized by Fred Fowler in 2015, this group has held regular Advanced Scrum Case Study discussions ever since. Each discussion revolves around a particular problem situation proposed by either Fred Fowler or another group member. Since its inception in 2015, the group has grown to more than 2,000 members coming from all parts of the world.

Fred's case study sessions are amazing. [They] present real-life scenarios, and challenge fellow Agilists to critically examine them and discuss possible solutions... Participants are highly engaged when they are presenting and discussing these scenarios... This book is worth buying for that reason alone.

Larry Apke
Author of Understanding The Agile Manifesto: A Brief & Bold Guide to Agile and Managers from Hell, The PMO is Dead, and Other Agile Stories

From our Meetup friend Murali:

Hi Fred, Good evening. I wish to add more to the advantages of reading your Advanced Scrum Mastery Book. It is a MUST Reading for Scrum Master (New or Veterans), Product Owners, Agile Coaches. The case studies you covered in the Book are very common situations that happen in many organizations whether they are new to Agile (Scrum) or experienced, this will definitely help them understand and resolve it. CHEATSHEET this book also helps Scrum Master, Agile Coaches during their interviews. Plus build a case, when you are looking for consultancy opportunities. As I mentioned after reading your book few times, I strongly recommend, MUST reading for those who wish to succeed in Agile (Scrum). Once again thank you so much Fred for taking the time to share your wealth of knowledge with people like me and others. CAN'T WAIT FOR YOUR NEXT BOOK. Thanks and all my best, Murali

Professional Conference:

Tentative schedule: Spring 2022.

Organizing activities for the upcoming Silicon Valley World Scrum(mit) are starting to get underway.

If you wouild like to be part of the team that stages the conference, please contact us at and specify that you would like to help with the Global Scrum(mit).

Note: The people at wish me to make sure the reader knows that is not affiliated in any way with


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